November 29, 2010

Peanut Butter Bliss No. 03

*Memories that comes back to you when you need them.~ Like doing my Lola's morcon like it is the most natural of things when all comes from memory.

*Finding something you are looking for because of a stranger.~ Manong driver lead us to finding Burger Project in Maginhawa.

*The feeling of falling in love and being loved by someone you care the most.~ I must have done somethings right. :)

*BANOFEE PIE ~ Bannapple you rock my boat!

*The feeling of CHRISTMAS!

*Bonding with family over the weekends.~PRICELESS

November 18, 2010

Prince Charming

Blame it on those fairy tales we are "forced" to read during our younger years, every girl in this world is dreaming of finding their prince charming. One who will sweep them off their feet on a horse and hie them away in some castle to be princesses. Even if that girl seems to be unconventional, somewhere deep inside of them, the concept of the "prince charming" lurks. Every girl will spend half or their entire lifetime searching or waiting for their prince charming to come.

But how does one exactly know a prince charming when they see one in this modern times? All those fairy tale stories starts off with a miserable girl who is saved by a handsome prince on a horse, with perfectly flowing hair and godly-like features. The prince charming is always portrayed as someone who is handsome, brave and gallant among all the men in the kingdom. He is truly exceptional.

In this modern times though, it is very hard to find a prince amidst all the changes that had happened in our society. Women no longer feel helpless all the time, in fact, women has now rose to the ranks of men in terms of power play and money. Most of us might not be looking for our prince charmings anymore since we can easily fend for ourselves. Nonetheless, this notion of a prince charming has caused many hearts to break and become frustrated. After all, each woman dreams of becoming somebody's princess someday.

It does not mean though that the concept of the prince charming has rather become obsolete. That it has been left in Medieval ages where it belongs. I would like to think that this concept had somewhat evolved. Although some traits should have not changed (GUYS: Chivalry is very much IN for us modern princesses), those that did are very much appreciated. It is not common nowadays for women to subject under the sole will of men. My take is a modern prince should be one that is still handsome (we all would LOVE that), brave and gallant, but add to that he must have respect and trust for his princess as well as a common view that love must be equal at all times and at all aspects.

The prince charming still exist in modern times. They may be rare but they are amongst us. We must be discerning though in looking for one.

Even if it means we have to kiss a thousand frogs before we find one.;)

November 8, 2010


Ever had that nagging feeling about something you so try to ignore but it just us there? You cannot explain it and your certainly do not know where it is coming from but you recognize what it is. That is what you call intuition.

Intuition is a usual tool that many of us ignores. Too often, we ignore our gut feel knowing in the end that there is some truth to it. I have not read of any scientific explanation about intuitions. I probably have not come across any. But I do believe it is helpful.

Just this year I formed this habit of always telling myself that something good is about to happen. It pays to stay positive about things for it makes us move forward to reaching our goals. I do feel that there is something good that is going to happen. It is that gut feel that makes me do things and in the end I am able to acheive what I have set myself to do. It is also that intution that tells me when to give up on something that is not working anymore.

Intuitions are good.

Together with a positive mind. :)

November 2, 2010

Start of Something New

I bet the first thing that came in your mind was Highschool Musical hehehe!:) But lately it is what my life is slowly being defined. There is something new starting and it will take shape in the coming months ahead.

I am looking forward to it. I have in fact made a separate blog for it. It is exciting.

I guess in the past year I was blessed with a lot of things. Even the challenged in graduate school is a blessing for me. Being given a second chance in completing a higher degree is something I would keep positive about no matter what kind of trial it may present. I have learned from my past. Negativity harbors nothing but ill-fate.

Second semester is about to begin. I am yet once again facing challenges and road blocks at the start of my journey but I am keeping faith I will finish this. I am going to take one step at a time for everything. Life was never easy in the first place.

I always felt good things are bound to happen. Even if I am fearful and in doubt of what I do not know and what the future will hold, I am keeping positive of the good things that will unfold. There is no other way.

A positive heart keeps your engines running and your heart burning.