November 8, 2010


Ever had that nagging feeling about something you so try to ignore but it just us there? You cannot explain it and your certainly do not know where it is coming from but you recognize what it is. That is what you call intuition.

Intuition is a usual tool that many of us ignores. Too often, we ignore our gut feel knowing in the end that there is some truth to it. I have not read of any scientific explanation about intuitions. I probably have not come across any. But I do believe it is helpful.

Just this year I formed this habit of always telling myself that something good is about to happen. It pays to stay positive about things for it makes us move forward to reaching our goals. I do feel that there is something good that is going to happen. It is that gut feel that makes me do things and in the end I am able to acheive what I have set myself to do. It is also that intution that tells me when to give up on something that is not working anymore.

Intuitions are good.

Together with a positive mind. :)

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