August 21, 2010

2010 To-Do List

I am a believer that to achieve your goals in life, be it small or large, you must put it in writing. Writing your goals down on paper is one step to making those goals happen. It is another to say it out loud.

From my experience, writing down my goals made it more doable for me. So far, I have done things I think I cannot do simply because I thought about them and wrote it down. Those notes are a reminder of what I can do. It made me confident.

For my self-goals this 2010, there is a checklist in my Belle de Jour planner/journal that I follow. I have already ticked down some off the list but others remain elusive. Those are goals that make me feel good about myself. I already achieved half of my more major goals and that is more than enough for now. Here goes those things I have yet to tick-off from the checklist, after all December is just around the corner.
  1. Do something special for your Mom and Dad.
  2. Read at least one book.
  3. Watch a play.
  4. Go to the spa.
  5. Go on a retreat.
  6. Cook a meal for a special someone.
  7. Learn CPR.
  8. Visit a museum.
  9. Buy a workmate coffee.
  10. Watch the sunset.
  11. Catch the sunrise.
  12. Isolate yourself from the rest of the world for one day.
  13. Write yourself a love letter.
  14. Hug yourself.
Only fourteen things more left to do. Some I even really want to do for relaxation or to discover something new.

Listing things down really makes me feel happy.

Wish me luck!:)

1 comment:

Chyng said...

i also have this planner (becuase of Ace Water Spa coupons, haha) well this inspired me to create my to do list. ☺

goodluck in achieving yours!