October 2, 2010

Day 2: Pssssst (Photo of Something You Ate Today)

Pusit and Munggo for Breakfast
I am trying to recall that joke about pusit becoming pssstttt but I fail at it hahaha!:) Better consult the attorney/bf about it because for sure I heard it from him.;)

This was my breakfast along with some choco-fee (Milo + coffee=choco-fee) before going to school. I have a long day ahead of me and I hope we can settle our class presentation on Tuesday. What better way to start the ball rolling by having some protein and fiber hahaha! I do not believe anyway that certain foods should be eaten only at certain times of the day and besides I had spaghetti last night instead of munggo for my early dinner, which was also served this morning. 

Aaaaahhhhhhh dried pusit heads!:) I think I am one of the few who loves the squid's head more than its body. It is chewy, tentacle-ly (trying :P) and oh-so-yummy. Having it in dried makes it more awesome!

How about you? What's your breakfast?

Have a great day!:)

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