October 26, 2010

Day 23, 24 & 25: Excuse Me For Yet Again Being Too Lazy

Yeah... yeah... I KNOW! It supposed to be per day but I got sick and yes, LAZY so I am bunching them all up in one go hehehe!:)

Day 23: 15 Facts About Me

1. I do not eat beef.
~No, I do not belong to a certain religion that does not eat beef. No, I do not miss out on something I do not like the taste and yes, thank you for your concern but I absolutely abhor beef.
2. I am a cat person.
3. I hate doing self-portraits because I end up being so awkward in them. If I do, I only let my boyfriend see it.
4. I love the color green.
5. I eat bananas with patis hehehe!
6. I have an obsession with the sun as my symbol.
7. I love rock music but I am not a purist. I listen to some good RnB if I come across one.
8. I do not like the fishy taste in food so my list of not-to-eat-food includes salmon.
9. I have an adventurous spirit.
10. My passion is writing. Next to eating and politics.
11. I once made my playmate's head bleed by accident. I thought he did not knew it was me but he did!:P
12. I had only one boyfriend and hopefully it makes a transistion to a husband.
13. I get irritated when someone plays with their nose in front of me.
14. I absolutely love my family.
15. I am JOHNNY DEPP'S secret lover. Okay I just wished I was hahaha!

Day 24: Photo of Something That Mean A Lot To You

She's my hero!

She means a lot to me.
She is my lola.

She is now in that big ballroom in the sky and one day we will see each other again. I miss her everyday. I really do. Half of who I am today is because of her and what she did for me and my brother.

I love you Lola!:)

Day 25: What's In My Pursue?

The typical umbrella for sudden rain, sun and reading glasses, kikay kit, tissue, notebook, cellphone, wallet and my Angel Gabriel.

Boring hehehe!

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