October 3, 2010

Doubt and Fear

If orange and chocolate goes well together or cookies and cream are a match made in heaven, then doubt and fear are two emotions that blend so well, in a not so good way.

A few days ago, I read a message that says fear comes out from doubt. And if we are to be fearless, we should not entertain any doubtful thoughts. I agreed with the message I read. It makes perfect sense. When we doubt, fear develops in our heart. When we fear something, we do not want to know what it is or what it is not.

I have my shares of doubtful thoughts. Most of it sprung up from things that are not certain. I have experienced before that doubt develops fear, which prohibits us to be the best we can be. It prohibits us to discover new things, do old practices that suddenly we are not familiar with and give our greatest effort in doing something that we are currently involve. All because we doubt that we would not make it or we are not capable of doing it. Doubt brings fear that freezes our hearts at a place we are neither growing nor developing in the awesome person that we can be.

In the food world, pairings are said to be done to enhance the flavors of each food item with the other. It brings out the best flavors for both. If this would be likened to emotions, then doubt and fear does not go well together.

Not one bit at all.

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